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Trauma Debriefing

For many years Sharon has served as an emergency intervention practitioner, being on hand to support groups and individuals in the immediate aftermath of traumatic events such as armed robbery, sudden or accidental death, acts of terrorism, murder and suicide.

No-one can ever adequately prepare for events of this kind. They are invariably unexpected and, in the majority of cases, quite personally devastating for those who have experienced them first hand.

Critical Incident Stress Debriefing most typically takes place within a few days of the event or situation arising. A debriefing session can be facilitated either on a one-to-one or a small group basis and usually lasts in the region of two to three hours. The purpose of a debriefing is to allow participants to examine and process the mental and emotional impact of the incident they have experienced, both upon themselves and, wherever appropriate, on any other individuals involved. 

Sharon works in association with a team of highly experienced psychological debriefers. Should you feel that a post-incident debriefing session might be needed in supporting people who have either individually or collectively experienced a distressing or traumatic incident, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at the earliest opportunity to discuss possible ways in which the team might be able to help.

For more information please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 07890 017075